Culinary Academy Italian Cuisine launches new YouTube channel for authentic italian recipes

Photo: Freepik

Recipes that are uploaded on our YouTube channel will be uploaded over here in our magazine too so you can read along easily as per your preference of video or written instructions. We have a team of chefs who are in love with Italian food and we are so excited to start taking you on a foodie trip across the rich food culture of Italy.

And we are all set for the next culinary offering, a pasta course, which will have its participants prepare fresh pasta from scratch, assess the best sauces to pair with a specific pasta type, and much more. More on this new fabulous class is coming!

While you ’re waiting, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel (@italianculinaryacademy) so you’re the first to know when we start putting up those cooking tutorials. No matter if you are a beginner or an experienced cook, our videos will walk you through preparing authentic Italian meals at home.

Join us on YouTube & let’s whip up some Italian magic together!